Week of inaugurations
The week of Maria Prean's 80th birthday was all about official inaugurations and blessing the newest projects and buildings.
The week started on the 19th of February with the inauguration of the Nakifuma High School. With worship, speeches, dances, cake cutting and tours through and around the building, the glorious new Secondary School that has started already the school program for the first 600 students got an amazing official opening celebration with many guests and hence also emotions. The retired Archbishop Henry Luke Orombi, Bishop Joshua Lwere and Bishop Hannington Ambale as well as architect Mr. Kigozi were among the guests of honor of the celebration.
Nakifuma high school inauguration:
The actual big birthday ceremony for Mama Maria was on her day, the 21st of February in the Community Hall and Pool garden of Vision for Africa Intl. Beautifully decorated locations, gorgeously dressed and cheerful guests invited from all over the world, the touching toasts and speeches from her dear friends as well as her own thanking words and her moment giving out certificates of thanksgiving for times they stood with her and for always being there for her made the day unique and emotional. After the morning hours the party continued in the pool gardens under beautifully decorated tents with delicious eats and nice African live music. Among the guests of honor was also Jaffa Amin, Idi Amin's son whom found to Christ through Maria Prean and is now traveling the whole country to ask for forgiveness about his father's awful deeds.
After eating and enjoying the celebration going on, the guests moved to the three new long-term visitors houses, they were showed around and the buildings were officially inaugurated and got a blessing prayer from the retired Archbishop H.L. Orombi.
Mama Maria's Birthday celebration:
The following day everyone invited drove up on the Prayer Mountain in Jinja, where they spent 2 days, inaugurating the Vocational scholl up there and the ministry Mt. Galilee, also the church in Kikondo and the school for the blind.
On the Prayer Mountain:
In Kikondo:
Directly from the mountain on Sunday early morning the whole group got on the way to Karamoja! For 2 days (minus the long drives) the guests were showed the ministry in Karamoja, what has happened and was built up in the last few years. They also got impressions what a poor and hard life the Karamojong people live and fully impressed and deeply touched the team they left again after inaugurating the whole Karamoja ministry: Headquarters, Kindergarten, Dormitory, Church hall, "Senager" Village (village for old people "senior teenager").
In Karamoja:
We thank our faithful God for his mercy that everything worked out as planned and all the many kilometers were travelled safely!