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Vision for Africa Intl.

Which kind of help Karamoja currently needs

Dangers lurk everywhere around the Vision for Africa compound in Karamoja, in northern Uganda, especially when it is dark. Just a few days ago, the fence was cut, broken into and what was possible to steal was stolen. Thank God, everyone remained unharmed (this can also not be taken for granted). The children and staff (as well as guests) are not allowed outside as soon as it is dark, after 7 pm. Gun fights over arguments and especially over the most important asset, their livestock, are unfortunately not uncommon here.

What can we do to guarantee more security at least in our own compound? - Replace the fence with a good wall! But this is expensive, at least for the conditions in Uganda. 34,000 Dollars is not very much by western standards. So with your help we can build the wall soon!

How you can help? Very concretely, by donating for the wall and putting the purpose "Wall Karamoja" in it!

You can find the account details here:

Thank you very much, God bless!!!


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