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Mama Maria Prean

Community Hall for the Secondary School in Nakifuma

The progress of the Secondary School in Nakifuma is tremendous. It looks like we can open S1 and S2 (around 600 teenager) already in February 2019 and start the lessons. Within 3 years the school should give 2.000 young people the opportunity to prepare for a blessed life. These young people will also be taught in livestock breeding and agriculture to able to grow and harvest their own food.

To make sure the daily High school schedule can run properly we also need a Community Hall for holding devotions together, church services, meetings and mainly also sharing meals together.

This hall will be made out of steel and have the measurements of 40 meters width and 60 meters length by 6 meters hight.

The total cost will be 250.000 Euros (in Europe it would cost 10 times as much!). We build quite cost effective because we buy all our building materials directly at the producing companies and deliver with our own trucks, whereby we skip the costs of intermediate dealers. Also the salaries are way lower than in Europe.

We pray that you will hear from God and get a deep joy in your heart to participate on this project, which will serve thousands of people.

Look here how beautifully our new Community Hall will be!

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