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Maria L. Prean, founder VfA Intl.

Project Karamoja - First steps

When a few weeks ago we came with a team of 20 of our staff members on a partly really risky road for 10 hours up to the north, we had no idea how much this journey will give us a new perspective for our reason being here in Africa.

I had the impression that the Old Testament becomes alive in front of me. I met people who looked like I imagine Moses, Abraham, Jacob to look like. We were immediately accepted in their tribe and they gave us new names (mine is Nakiru, it means rain or blessing) and they allowed us to do with this land whatever God has put on our heart.

So we will drill 8 boreholes in the next weeks. The machines are being transported there today. Each well gets a name of a biblical person. Until the end of the year we want to dig 10 wells.

As well we will start building a headquarter and a big kindergarten, which will start in 2 weeks. They give us as much land as we need and the government supports us with huge military trucks for free, to transport all the building materials there that we need, like cement, iron bars, timber etc. I never before had such a deep 100% conviction to be at the right place like I did there with the Karamojongs. I am thankful to God that some of them speak English.

A dear brother from Israel will teach the people there how to make the dry land blossoming. I have already dreamed that we will plant many trees, yes huge forests!

And imagine, there we have big mountains, just like we in Tyrol, Austria, with real "Alm" areas (everything is still totally untouched!). They also want to give me there a piece of land, where we can build an "ALM" with cows that have big cow bells and many sheep and goats!

There as as well many very old people who have all lost their children through illnesses and wars and who are now totally without provision and care.

So we have it on our heart to build little local grass-thatched round cottages for these old men and women, and to give them the opportunity to raise chicken and rabbits, so that they can have their own small income.

Dear ones, please pray with us, that we will be a blessing here, where God has sent us. On the 12th of September we will drive to Karamoja with a big worship band (and big loud speakers and a generator!) for worshipping and praising God in this wide land and to pray to Him, and to give Karamoja back to HIM with the request that in these coming years the people here will taste God's athmosphere here! We have got the prophesy from Isaiah 42:8–12 for this land Karamoja.

We will keep you updated.

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