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Damaris Bruni, Public Relations

Baking production at "Café Marianne" at full blast

After a long period of delay the big oven for mass-production which has already been standing here in Uganda for a while eventually started into a new era!

The kneading machine as well as the bread baking tins are working well and our staff members are as well well-equipped with the neccessary skills. The only missing tool was the working capability of the big oven which we already had to complete our bakery equipment.

After putting once more a lot of money and efforts in the repairing of the oven, it could finally be made ready for use! It is now working well, doing a great job in producing a big amount of bread and bread rolls weekly for internal use in Vision for Africa and as well for our hotel guests.

However, we would like to increase our production and let the oven work non-stop in order to make it more efficient and for cutting energy and costs. We are currently looking for bigger markets and customers that could be buyers of quality bread in big amounts, like hotels, schools or even supermarkets in nearer or farer places.

In the gallery you can see the oven for the baking mass-production before and after its' installation.

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