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Damaris Bruni, Public Relations

Prostheses for better life

The team of PRO-Uganda of the prostheses workshop located in Vision for Africa has again started their work.​

7th April 2016

The team of PRO-Uganda of the prostheses workshop located in Vision for Africa has again started their work. During the first week they were capable to examine 13 patients for constructing individually adapted prostheses solutions in the workshop. These are already being manufactured so that they can serve their purpose as soon as possible, helping the Ugandan men and women in their daily lives.

The fitting of the prostheses will be done in the course of the following week.

We are grateful to the Lord for the great work of PRO-Uganda in Vision for Africa and the blessing that it gives to many Ugandan children and adults whose lives are being tremendously changed.


19th April 2016

We gladly report from Karsten Schulz, german director of the planned PRO Uganda prosthesis workshop in the "Land of Hope", of another successful stay in Uganda of work effort and commitment that just ended. The team did a great job, as we can see on the pictures with the patients.

The prosthesis and orthopedic workshop has now been rock-solidly and in detail planned, together with the construction manager. Everything is fixed and now we are remaining praying for the missing financial support to be able to build the workshop according to the plans and we are sure that God will provide for His people.

Karsten Schulz will be back in Uganda in July, together with a team of the vocational school Gotha for orthopedic engineering.

We are greatful to Karsten and his teams for his commitment, his passion and hard work that he is doing for the sake of the Ugandan population, and last but not least we also thank our dear donators for making us able to finance the building process and everything around the prosthesis and orthopedics workshop! My our Lord bless you richly.


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