The best is ahead of us (video message of Mama Maria)
Read the text of Maria's speech in the video below:
My heartfelt greetings from Uganda to all our friends.
We are so grateful that in days like these we have such ways of communication, that over thousands of kilometers we are still able to share our heart with you. And I want to share with you the following. Many years ago, it has really been many years already, when I was still believing that good deeds are everything that God wants from us, so I filled my days with good deeds. On weekends I went to a hospital and volunteered there. And when they put me to the maternity ward. It was on a Sunday afternoon, when most mothers had their guests there, but one woman was walking up and down the hospital aisle and she was showing that she is in serious pain. And I felt compassion with her and so I went to her and asked her if she was in much pain and she said yes, so I told her to sit down and I would now pray for her and massage her. I prayed like a world champion and massaged her, and it didn't take long that her pain was gone. We both were so thankful that she is not in pain anymore. But dear ones, you should have heard how the doctor was angry with me and bawled me out, when he met me and had found out that I was the one who massaged these birth contractions away. There is certain pain in life that brings life! The doctor then said, he now has to initiate the birth contractions which will be even more painful for this woman than what she had before. That was a lesson for my life for me. I don't massage any pain anymore, I only pray and say, “Come Lord, break through with your life!” And I think we are now in a situation where we really endure labor pain for the coming of Jesus.
Already the first disciples, we can read that in Acts, where the disciples asked the Lord, “Will you build up again the kingdom of Israel?” But he replied, “It is not for you to know time or hour which the father destined in His power. But you will receive the power of the Holy Spirit, who will come down on me and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and whole of Juda and Samaria and until the ends of the world.” And when he spoke those words he was lifted up and a cloud took hold of him and took him away in front of their eyes. And when they looked after him how we flew off towards heaven, behold, there were two men standing with them in white gowns, and they said, “You men of Galilee, what are you standing here looking up to the sky, this Jesus who was taken away from you and taken to heaven will come back in the same way as you saw him taking off to heaven.” And dear ones, here has already happened the conception of the return of Jesus, of his coming back. And well, we have now been pregnant for 2000 years with this awaiting that something new is coming. Because the first time Jesus came to pay for our sins, to pray the price for us that we could not pay. But the next time he will come to reign. And nowadays even other religions recognize that Jesus will come to reign. And, now for that it needs labor pain so that His life can break through. It has been going on now already for a while that we hear incredible happenings, like the fire in Australia, we hear from explosions of volcanos, we hear from locusts plagues, - we had millions of locusts in Uganda, also in our ministry area in the north, in Karamoja, and our leader there together with all the staff and our 300 children chased the locusts for 5 hours, so that not a single locust could lay an egg, and after 5 hours they were so disturbed that they just left and no damage had happened. And then, in Australia they prayed for rain and then so much rain came that they had floodings, and now this Corona Virus which really completely lames the whole world, we are like controlled by that virus. But dear ones, this is not the end yet. Also there will die much less people than in other years how many die because of pandemics. But this virus has really shaken the whole world in fear, and this is the dangerous virus, the fear. Because where fear increases, faith decreases. And exactly the opposite is what we should do. Right the opposite.
I want to read for you now some scriptures, that I put together... There is so much happening these days that I don't even know where to start and where to end, in Revelation 22:20, “He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.” And we know that for God one day is 1000 years, so meanwhile he was just gone for two days... right? We don't know when exactly it is his time, but the signs of the time indicate it all that his coming is near. And in Matthew 24:42 it says, “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.” In Hebrews 10:24-25, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” And dear ones, I really believe that it is now the hour to put our mindsets and hearts on what is really important in life. And actually there is so much where we invest a lot of time and it is not worth it. But what brings us real joy in life we have to take it as a gift out of grace. God said, “Seek my kingdom first and my righteousness, and everything else will be given unto you.” Dear ones, you can buy a golden bed but not sleep, you can buy the best medicines but not health, you can buy the best beauty creams but not beauty, you can't buy love, you can't buy friendship, you can get a visa and passport for every nation in the world but not for heaven. Everything that is for eternal value for us has to come to us as a gift.
And then I want to read for you, love is the highest. And it says, a sense of duty without love makes you grumpy. Responsibility without love makes you ruthless. Righteousness without love makes you hard. Honesty without love makes you over-critical. Cleverness without love makes you deceitful. Friendliness without love makes you hypocritical. Order without love makes you pedantic. Expertise without love makes you bossy. Might without love makes you cruel. Honor without love makes you arrogant. Property without love makes you stingy. Faith without love makes fanatic.
Dear ones, let us really pray the Lord reveals to us His true love. Because, the biggest revelation of His love was on the cross. When he was dying. When He called to His father, “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing!” And dear ones, I believe we all have to break through. Into this ability to love. Then will the world realize that we are born from God. It is also very interesting that in the four evangelistic books of the bible the word “christians” does not exist. The christians are first mentioned in Acts. In Acts 11, the disciples of Jesus were called “christians” for the first time. “The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.” That is in Acts 11:26. Because they were reckoned by their character that was very much Jesus-like. Christ is the great anointed one. And christians are the little anointed ones. Only when we express the character of Christ with our life, will the world recognize that we belong to Christ and that we were with him and are with him.
So I believe, it is now a time to really prepare ourselves for the coming of Jesus Christ. I don't know what will still happen, but it will still be a lot, but we don't have to be afraid of it. Because he gives us the according grace for everything. When I fully gave myself to God and I said, “Father you can do with me what you want, how you want, where you want, when you want, you can reduce me to zero, but glorify your name, make me a blessing, and give me the abundance of joy. And immediately I knew, what would it mean if I had to die as a martyr. And so I said, “Lord, you know exactly that I don't like to suffer a lot. I ask you now to give me an answer, I don't want to fail, if that was to be my portion.” Then I heard it loud and clear that the Lord said, “Maria, I already died once for you. And if it was my plan for you, I would do it again in you, with you and through you.” And you know, I am so amazed by this Daniel who did not bow down to the wrong gods, and he knew he would be thrown into the lions cave. And he took it on, he didn't bow down to the orders of a dictator. And they threw him into this lions cave. And the lions didn't even realize that this could be something for them what would be delicious. Because they didn't smell flesh anymore, it was only spirit. And the next ones that were thrown into it, when he was out, the lions ate them. Exactly like the men in the fire oven. They danced around! Jesus was with them in the oven. And even the people who threw them inside were burnt. But they didn't get burnt. Because there was no flesh anymore. And dear ones, I think we have to come out of our fleshly behavior, where everything just spins around us,- “I, myself and me, Lord bless us three” - dear ones, this is pure egoism. We have to break through into a life where we know, I am crucified with Christ. It's not me who lives but Christ who lives within me. And then we know, Christ in me – the hope of glory. And with this everyone is challenged.
And I still want to read a few other scriptures. In Revelation 1:7, “Look, he is coming with the clouds and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him; and all peoples on earth will mourn because of him. So shall it be! Amen.” I think it will be a great shock for many. In 1. Peter, 4:7, “The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray.” In Revelation 1:8, “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” In 1. John 2:28, “And now, dear children, continue in him, so that when he appears we may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming.” Amen? Let us live in this expectation. The bridegroom is coming. Jesus is coming to pick up his bride. But first the bride has to become without wrinkles and without spots. And these are processes of dying to oneself, to the old me. So that Christ can be the life within us. I pray that you don't only walk through the dead sea that stands for the baptism, and then run around in the desert in circles like the Israelites did, and it is for me a terrible result, that out of the hundreds of thousands of Israelites who came out of Egypt, who walked through the red sea, who even were baptized only TWO broke through to the promised land. All the others died in the desert. And sometimes when I look at the body of Christ I have almost the same impression. We run around in circles, we always hit on the same stones, we moan, grumble, grouse, complain, growl and grunt, criticize – of course on the highest level of standard, but we don't break through into the kingdom of God. Living in the kingdom of God, in the promised land. And there we have to cross the river Jordan. And Jordan stands for being crucified together with him, Jesus Christ. Galatians 2:20.
And I recommend you the following: Live every day as if it was your last, and plan ahead as if you would never die. That is what I made the task for myself. I want to be in the middle of building the kingdom of God, when Jesus comes back. But still to live every day as if it was my last. Because he is coming. And we are closer than ever. And he is coming to take you into the eternal glory. Because, no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and nothing has ever entered any human heart, what God has already prepared for those who love him. I trust that your heart gets filled with peace and joy. And that you can dance in the fire oven yourself, and that you can sit in the lions cave peacefully, because you know, - if my God is for me, who can be against me! And no weapon that is formed against you or me shall prosper to destroy us. If God is for us, who can be against us!
Shalom, shalom.