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Vision for Africa Intl.

Look unto the Lord! An encouraging message from Maria

The Video is in German language, see the message in English below:

My heartfelt greetings from Uganda!

It is difficult how to start a preaching in these „pregnant“ times, where everyone is so worried about the future. But dear ones, I believe we can be happily excited about these times. Because the Lord says, when we see these things we should keep the head high and be glad, because the best is yet ahead of us. And I am living in Uganda already since 24 years now, and so I can gladly report that last year in August it was exactly 400 years, since slavery has ended. In August 1619 the first slaves arrived in America. And in August 2019 400 years were fulfilled. And I personally trust that Africa now gets out of any form of slavery. But when we look at the children of Israel, who unfortunately were kept in Africa as slaves for 400 years, that is why we reaped what we sowed. But before they fully broke out into freedom into the promised land, they had many plagues. And we had in Uganda of recent tremendous plagues, and even in the whole world. First the fire in Australia, then everyone prayed for rain, then there were floodings everywhere, then the explosions of volcanos, then we had in Africa millions of swarms of locusts eating everything, also in Karamoja in the North of Uganda we had such a swarm - then the sky turns black – but our staff and all our 300 children gave those locusts such a hard time for 5 hours they chased them, so that no locust could lay an egg and after 5 hours they gave up and left. But now with this Corona Virus: What extend of control has triggered this virus in the world!

Well I am not the youngest anymore, but the world has not experienced something like that in my time ever before. And then of course the questions pops up, what God has planned with that. I am convicted that God is not the creator of this virus but He has allowed it. He has allowed it to pull us closer to Him, to show us, where we are standing! A few years ago, like 3 or 4 years ago when I landed in Munich and stepped out of the airplane and I suddenly heard a big loud snorring. I said, “Lord, what am I hearing here?”, and He says “Europe is sleeping. They have no idea what is happening. And they have to wake up.” And I believe that this virus is now a wake-up call from God. Not only for Europe, but for the whole world. We have to put our mindsets back to what really matters. And for that only faith can help us. Only looking unto God can help us. Because, if fear takes over then faith dies. But when faith grows, then fear dies.

And I can gladly say that in Africa there is hardly fear, I asked different Africans “Why are you not scared?” and they all said “We have experienced so much before in Africa and it has passed, so we are not scared, this one will also pass.” But still we want to trust the orders of the government and obey. Uganda had no single Corona case until a few days ago, but one Ugandan flew to Dubai for business deals and after five days, after his return we had the Corona Virus here. But he is isolated, so everything is still in order; the schools are all closed, also the churches. We gather in homes, just like it was in the first church in the first century in Israel, where the believers met in homes.

And Jesus says in Matthew 17:20, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." In 2. Corinthians 4:7, „But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.“ And I believe God is really leading us now into a new dimension. Because especially the western world thought they have everything under control. 'We make us our own world, our own laws, the bad things are being seen as good and good things as bad,..“ And I have prayed already many years ago, „Dear God, if you won't soon do something to show yourself to the western world, to show them that they need God, then you have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrha.“ And I think God has answered my prayer.

But the faster we repent, we who believe, and turn back to God, He will heal our land, He will forgive us and heal the nations and He will give us a new dimension of life. Which is life out of the power of the Holy Spirit. In Hebrews 10:38 it says, “But my righteous one will live by faith. And I take no pleasure in the one who shrinks back.” In Hebrews 11,1 and 6: “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. But without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” So faith means knowing what you are destined for and living your way in life accordingly. Always forwards, never backwards. Faith means asking more questions, in the certainty, that I will always be answered lovingly and never disdainfully. Faith means trusting that God will lead me there, where it is good for me. Faith is the light that shines through the long dark alleys of impossibilities. Faith is the radiant winner in every broil, every tug war, every battle, every fight, in which you will ever get into. Faith is the language that you speak when you speak with God. Dear ones, today I got from the Lord that I should read the parable of the wise and foolish virgins. In Matthew 25, “At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise. The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps.” And the oil is the Holy Spirit. We need the Holy Spirit 100%. Because only then we will walk on God's ways, only then will we hear from God, will we be guided by Him. “The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.” And we are also seeing it now, for centuries people have waited for the second coming of Jesus, and have almost given up the hope that He would come, but I guarantee you, we are in the end times. Not yet at the end of the end times. We are actually already 2000 years in the end times, because already the first Christians have waited for the coming back of the Lord.

But now, dear ones, now we are entering into the stage of birth contractions. Now the pushing contractions have started. But then comes the new, in which we will break through, where Jesus is the Lord of all lords, the king of all kings, where we break through into a new earth, a new dimension of life. And we are in the middle of this. So, they got sleepy, and I have the impression the western world has already become very sleepy. And now we have a call from God to wake up. TO WAKE UP! And to listen to God. And to trust, that that which is before us is still so much better than what we had already. But it needs humility to trust God. It needs humility to believe God more than the circumstances. “At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’ And those who had oil, came to meet him. The others stayed behind. And so I want to tell you: Turn fully and completely to God. Turn 100% to God. Let Him have the say in your life 100%. And you will see, that you walk through these times with a hope, like a pregnant woman in labor pain who is so anticipating her newborn baby. And she will also endure he painful contractions the labor pain, and as soon as the child is born, she will have forgotten everything.

Dear ones, the best is ahead of us. Be encouraged. Come to Jesus. Throw all your sorrows unto Him, because He cares for you.

Shalom, shalom.

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