Merry Christmas to you all!
On Christmas we celebrate that Jesus was born, our Lord and Savior, the Christ, the son of the living and almighty God. He came to earth as a vulnerable baby, he was an innocent child and grew up to fulfill what God had planned to save us. As we celebrate His birthday at Christmas, we think of Him as a baby and child! We take the feast of Christmas a feast for the family... So, let me give you some thoughts about children, as I have many of them around me every single day!
Warm greetings from Vision for Africa Primary school family, where we believe that every child has a higher calling from God, way above human standards, human structures, human sentiments and stories. Philippians 3:13-14
It is upon this BIBLICAL TRUTH that we premise our school philosophy „Our school is our Home and our Church“ from which gifts and talents (Proverbs 22:6) are identified and discipled under a God given, life-giving Heaven on Earth resourceful and beautiful environment. We are grateful to God, Mama Maria our director, staff and partners for this ministry.
Academically, our children are engaged in a number of mind-blowing, innovative and interactive school-tailored learning programs such as Lego, Robotics, Computer literacy, Chess, Jolly Language and Numeracy games, to attain high order mental skills integrated with the National Curriculum. Personally, I love all these games and it is my desire that all Ugandan children get access to them so as to become great thinkers other than parrots who only listen and repeat what they have heard or seen.
As for the co-curricular work, we involve our children in all games and sports, art and crafts and M.D.D. Competitions at school and National levels. We believe in holistic learning because „A healthy mind lives in a healthy body,“ and interestingly, „spiritually and emotionally intelligent children have the ability to master their mind and body“. We do this through daily fellowships.
A lot can be said than done, and that is why I welcome you to come and see what the Lord has done and is still doing in our midst with our own children. This is not rocket science! It is REAL! Many have done it! It starts with the philosophy you hold about the life you live, the people we live with and the word we live in; it is either the Biblical or the World views! The choice is yours, but every choice we make has consequences. Choose to make this world (our Schools, Homes and Nations) a better place to live! We take pride in nurturing children who can fit and reliably solve the 21st century demands of this end-time volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world. 2. Timothy 3:1-5
Lately, as I have kept on growing, I have realized a dilemma, call it the paradox of life; people work hard to acquire material-wealth and forget that true wealth lies in grooming the children who turn out to inherit their possessions, and if not groomed, enjoy the spoil. Shockingly, most of those who don't take their God-oriented role of parenting the children, meet their death in despair, uncertain of who and what will happen to their so-called hard gotten resources and the would be wiser ones will their wealth to lawyers who mischievously transfer it to their names, back to ashes, woe unto thee! Vanity of the vanities! Let us invest our time and materials in raising the generation after us, our children. Genesis 1:26-28
Merry Christmas to you all, our loved parents, sponsors and friends, in the name of the whole ministry and Vision for Africa family.
Ever loving and smiling,
Mr. Balidawa Ronald Michael
Headteacher VfA Primary School Kiyunga