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Hannah, staff in Karamoja

Holiday time in Karamoja!

But our gate is still open! The children come to us in the morning and have time to play on the playground. Bernhard, one staff member and I have started to shave our children's heads. Through the wind and the dusty landscape they can wash themselves easier and it is harder for the fungal desease to spread.

Daily the children get posho (maize starch) and beans. The whole food distribution whilst the holidays is financed by donations. There is so much food that our school kids can bring food home to their siblings... a real blessing!

Yesterday evening a father came to us to thank us. The parents were informed about the daily meals... additionally we have it on our hearts to check on their hygiene! We do as much as we can and where we see demand and help is needed. After several days of rain the children came to us being very dirty. We showered 156 children and smeared them with creme. Now the hair... For me it is a real testimony to see how God touches the hearts of the people in this way. One father appreciated the work so much that he came all the way to us to say Thank you!

The staff members love their work, the children and life! No matter if chef, gardener or security guards, the children are being accepted. They get attention and care! Also that father had realized that!

I am very thankful to be here and to be part of JACK (Jesus Agape Center Karamoja)!

I wish you all a beautiful and blessed Advent- & Christmas time!

Be blessed,


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