What is happening at ProUganda
Joyce, 43 years old
She had an upper leg amputation after a severe accident in 2016. In December 2018 she received from us a prosthesis and she will come back when the patient building is finished to start her walking training. Lasuri, 44 years old
He had as well an upper leg amputation after a severe accident in 2012 and got a prosthesis from us on the 18th of December 2018. He will also come back for the walking training when the patient building is set up.
Winnie, 14 years old
She had a TT amputation after a car accident and already got a prosthesis from us in 2018, then on the 28th of February 2019 she got a new one which is now perfectly fitting. She also has a strong skolliosis which gives her heavy back pains. But now she is able to walk and she is also going to school Jordan, 12 years old
He got sick as a child and got deformed mechanical leg axes. After he got a wheelchair from us in March 2018 his condition has improved and we are now planning to build him splints and the provision with crutches. Robinan
She had a TT amputation after a severe car accident in 2017 and we provided her in the end of 2018 with a prosthesis and a rollator.
Katrina, 2 years old
Little Katrina was born with a missing lower leg and got her prosthesis from us in December 2018. After some challenges in the beginning she is now walking well.
Isma, 28 years old
Isma had a lower leg amputation after in 2010 a big stone had fallen on his leg and destroyed it. In January 2019 he got his prosthesis and gets along well with it.
Don, 23 years old
Don was working in a factory that manufactures boxes. One of the machines captured his lower leg so that it had to be amputated. He received his prosthesis on the 13th of March 2019 and was very happy about it.
Jamil, 25 years old
Jamil had to undergo an upper leg amputation after a car accident in 2017. On the 15th of March 2019 he got his prosthesis from us and he will come once more for the walking training.
Samuel, 1 year old
Samuel is an ICP child with strong developing issues and spastics. His mother is very worried. He got AFO provisions and we showed his mother which exercises she should do with him. In July they are coming back for a checkup.
Jonoless, 28 years old
Jonoless became a victim to land mines in the age of 15 years. Therafter she had to undergo a lower leg amputation. She had already several prosthesis from Buhinga orthopaedic workshop but we have now given her a new foot and did a few adjustments.
Herman, 17 years old
Through a post-injection paralysis in his childhood he lost the function of his right leg partly. On March 19th 2019 we gave him an AFO.