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Karsten Schulz, ProUganda

Current happenings at ProUganda prosthesis workshop

Back from Uganda – current impressions of our work in Uganda

With many impressions and deeply moved I came back safe and sound from my last Uganda trip. I would like to report what I have experienced and why I look back to these days with gratefulness.

This time I was escorted by Sabine Schipper; that was a very special experience full of joy for everyone involved. Ms. Schipper herself has one amputated leg and leads the self-helping group „beinamputiert-was-geht“ (meaning: leg amputated-what-is-going-on) (further information online on With her wide range of experiences she could speak much encouragement to the patients and give them practical advice how to handle their new prosthesis. She also supported us with organisational duties with all her strength. Thank you very much!

I am also thankful because we have so many patients coming from the whole country to get a provision; and for each child that can feel comfortable in our safe compound and starts to get familiar with their new prosthesis.

Deeply impressed am I when I meet people like Maria. He himself got ah arm amputation two years ago and got a prosthesis from us – see pictures below. Ever since he keeps bringing many more patients to our workshop. Many times we walks up to one and a half hours to reach our workshop because he can not pay for the bus or taxi. From Mario we really get to know the value of prosthesis: In Uganda people struggle to find work after an amputation. They are often laughed at, friends turn their backs to them because the disability is most commonly considered a shame. Disabled children are being hidden and spend their lives mostly behind closed doors. Also the doors to schools and educational centres stay completely locked up for them forever.

And so Mario is glad that he can put back on his prosthesis after it had to be repaired. Despite the heat he is wearing gloves on both hands so that his disability is not visible. „Like this I am not disabled anymore“ he points out; and we get to understand once again how important prosthetical provision is: for self-esteem, for social partiality and for a good integration.

Since 2015 we have already successfully provided prosthesis for more than 330 patients.

7 employees are there for keeping up the successful work and being responsible for complication-free work processes.

For the new seminary building in which we will soon offer education and advanced training we have started with preparing for the foundation. The building for post-treatments for 26 patients however, is almost finished! Amputated children and adults will come here during the process of adapting the prosthesis and for the walking trainings, because they often come from afar and the professional manifacturing of the prosthesis including the post-treatment take time. A local accommodation for a period of time helps therfore the patients as much as our staff members.

Our team – last but not least also to them belongs a special Thank you. The efforts, the endless work and the great dedication and commitment of the workshop leader Aaron Bremer with his team give me joy again and again. They give everything what their strength allows – always serving the people without arms and legs.

After the thanksgiving now also a big request: For the running workshop operations but moreso for all planned activities we urgently need continuously financial means and an open ear for our work. Can we continue to count on your help? And also please share in your family- and friends- and collegues circles about our Uganda project.

Together we can move so much. Thank you so much for your interest and each and every support!

Karsten Schulz

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