S4/S6 Conference Report 2018
It was all about welcoming the students who came in big numbers. Though many came late, we thank God that they managed to make it to the land of hope. The counselors worked so hard to see that the campers are comfortable for the one week that they were to spend in this place. We received 376 students who came for this conference.
In the evening, we had a grand welcome message from mama maria who informed the students that the only way to waiting upon the lord for is coming soon is through salvation.
Mama maria giving a welcome message to the students
We had Bible hour in the morning and it was Mrs Kasule Dianah who did the teaching. She encouraged us that we did not need the priests to take away our sins but we can go to God directly and we ask Him to forgive us so that we are clean and forgiven.
She also taught from the book of 1 Corinthians 6:12 and she said that sin should not be a master. She went ahead and explained that as we wait upon the lord, there are things that we need to leave for the sake of Jesus’ coming. We have a cloud of witnesses and so we should throw away things that put us astray (Hebrews 12:1). For instance lying, stealing, Grambling, Fornicating, such things should not put us astray for the sake of Christ’s coming.
Above in the picture is Mrs Diana Kasule teaching about throwing away all kinds of things that put us astray (Lying, stealing etc.)
We also had Pastor Phillip who preached about salvation. He says in his teaching that we are to look to Jesus daily (Hebrews 12:2). Jesus is preparing a place for those who have believed in Him and it is only for those who have put their faith in Him. In revelation 22:20 the Bible clearly says ‘I am coming soon’. So we have to prepare for His coming.
Pastor Sayuni Phillip preaching
Games were also part of the camp. The students had time to relax by playing games. Games were played so that the students could learn to work together, to also think before they act. Below are some pictures while the students are playing.
Students playing HullaHopRay
Students playing Bible Trivia on the left and Draft on the right
After every Bible hour, the students had time to discuss what they have learnt and to also share their personal struggles and experiences. It was an interactive session and this helped students to open up hence made it easy for the counselors to help the campers. Below are some of the pictures while the students are having group discussions.
It was awesome. The students enjoyed the praised and worship. The choir did a tremendous work in leading us during these sessions of worshiping God. We bless the name of the Lord for the choir. Below are some of the pictures
This was another time that so much helped the students to know what they want in future and how to achieve it. Mr. Fagil Mande who was the teacher explained to the students the basics on how to gain a better tomorrow. Briefly he said, we should stop the victim mentality where we always think that we shall not succeed, we should avoid the inferiority complex where we always feel inferior to others, and we should avoid self-hatred and be original so that we stop copying from others. He also gave the students tips on how to read their books and pass. Below are some pictures while Fagil Mande was addressing the students.
Fagil Mande addressing the students during career Guidance
Like we always do, we had a camp fire night. During this evening, the students plus the camp staff reflect on their lives. This is a time where students and everyone present dedicate their lives to God and decide to keep burning for Christ in every area of their lives and wherever they will go.
Students standing near the fire choose to burn for Christ and decide to drop some of the bad habits that they had for the sake of their salvation!
Baptism and Salvations
12 students got saved
32 students were baptized
Some of the students being baptized!
In conclusion therefore, the S4/S6 conference ended very successfully and we registered a big number of students who came to attend. We take the opportunity to thank the departments that worked so hard to see that the conference ends well, thank you for always attending the sessions those who were able.
Stay Blessed