Come & See Special - Fare well report
Again half a year is over and our Come&See Special group have made their way back to Europe and into their normal lives.
Three exciting and eventful weeks lay behind us. Together we did many activities and day-trips to Kampala and Jinja, a beautiful Safari and many activities on and around our ministry. A few could also see their sponsored children for the first time. Additionally to our Come&See programme the Come&See Special includes a 3-days seminary with Maria Prean. This year we are dealing with the topic of our identity in Jesus and which of his messages is the most important one for us. We experienced an intense and blessed time together and with our heavenly father.
We are very happy that already this year so many people from Germany, Austria and Switzerland have visited us. Some even as "repeater" ;)
Thank you that you for supporting us and for taking a long journey to experience Africa as its best!
For our Come&See dates in autumn we still have free places and also the dates for 2018 are fixed already. We are looking forward to see you here!