P7 Conference
We thank the Almighty God for all that transpired during the annual Primary Seven conference.
292 Children reported for the conference and clearly heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ shared to them through the Pulpit and one-on-one with their counselors/group leaders. In total we had 27 groups of which 15 were for girls and 12 for boys. We had a strong team of leaders/counselors from the 2015 Leadership and Discipleship Training Class, and from Word of Life Fellowship that is partnering with us.
Matthew 25 was our theme Scripture for the Bible hour, the highlight was the Parable of the ten virgins. During Rise and Shine (morning devotion), and the evening meetings different themes were explored to create a variety of foods for the children to feed spiritually. We had daily scripture memory verses and the children responded well to it all.
During the Baptism class when asked why they wanted to be baptized some children said, "I want to be like the wise virgins who had extra oil so believing in Jesus is like having the extra oil." We had a Baptism class to help the children understand that Baptism is only an outward sign to show what has happened on the inside (Jesus washing your sins away through faith in His finished work on the cross).
Out of the 292 children that heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ shared, 106 received salvation for the very first time, 28 were assured of their salvation in Christ, 138 dedicated their lives to live for Christ alone and 126 children were baptized.
Our prayer is that God will nurture them wherever they are now, that they will find a Bible teaching and believing church to join and that they will not turn back but daily follow the Lord Jesus Christ. Please also join us in prayer for a sustainable follow up plan so that we are able to disciple the children God has entrusted in our care.
God graciously provided in all situations and we praise Him for that. We managed to run the whole program and kept time. The meals were well prepared and ready in time which helped a lot in allowing other things to be done in time. We did not have any accidents especially during games and God gave all of us strength for each new day.
During the Testimony night, two things that the children kept reechoing were that they now have Jesus in their hearts as their personal Savior and thanking God for providing a Bible and learning how to use their bibles, especially for those who already had them. The children were exposed to how to do a Personal Quiet time on a daily basis and provided with passages to follow on each day. Out of the 292 children 251 received a new Good News Bible.
There were many testimonies we were not able to hear but only this is an indicator that the time was well spent and nothing went to waste. Praise the Lord!
We had two student nurses that were a great help with any medical needs. All the sick children were attended to and received medication. These ladies also quickly identified two measles cases and we were able to arrest the problem early.
All this could never have been possible without the input of Mama Maria as well as the help and support of the Administration, Main Kitchen, Matrons and Wardens, IT staff with sound and taking pictures, Hotel for helping out with accommodation, meals for three people with allergies and availing the Swimming pool, Security, Clinic, Primary school, Maintenance and the entire ministry.