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Lukas Vana, IT-Administrator

The next container started its journey

The next container has just started its journeys to Uganda, packed with clothes, materials for our orthopaedics and our clinic, tools, sewing machines, bicycles, sewing machines and many other valuable things for our work in Uganda, that had been donated in the past months.

Already in August people started sorting things in our store in Germany and packing the container. It is unbelievable what the volunteers perform during he patient sorting, exhausting loading and and skillful packing of the container!

For the past years i helped Unpacking numerous containers here in Uganda but this time I could even help packing the current one since I was in Europe at this time. What I had already suspected was confirmed - it is much easier unpacking the items later than it is to load all the boxes, bags, pallets and else without wasting any space in the container! After this exhausting work I needed some days of rest and a recovering massage... :-)

A big "Thank You" to Helmut and Siegfried and their team in Germany!

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